/Science outreach and education in languages other than English is important and here is the evidence (Workshop recaps, 2)
scircle scicomm science communication outreach initiative

Science outreach and education in languages other than English is important and here is the evidence (Workshop recaps, 2)

Some background info on this post

This was not strictly speaking a workshop that I gave. It was actually a talk at a scientific congress organised by the Global Harmonization Initiative (GHI). It took place in the beautiful town of Leiden in The Netherlands.
As a Co-Chair of the relatively newly established working group on Science Communication, I submitted an abstract to give a talk on the topic and was lucky enough for it to be accepted.

Here is my talk

Just a disclaimer: At that congress, I attended as myself, in my function of a science communicator, representing my own initiative Scircle.eu empowering scientists to do science outreach.While my abstract was accepted by the congress, my view might not necessarily represent the views of GHI as my presence was not strictly as one of the organisation's representatives.

Bonus - Some highlights from the Congress

With some work-commitments in place, I couldn’t attend the whole congress, but the first two days were well worth taking a short holiday to attend.

Here are the Twitter moments from that congress as I was able to capture them: