This is the second part of an article which was originally written by me in Bulgarian and published in the Bulgarian E-zine Dnevnik. The first part of the article - about space discoveries can be found…
Building new smart cities or dressing up the…
Green innovation. Norway. It is not the only place where smart zero, emission innovation happens, but it is definitely one of the driving forces behind it. With a new institute to research and create the…
Xenon – the miracle molecule
Xenon is one of the so-called noble gases. Noble gases are the chemical equivalent of a teenage kid quietly sitting in its room and not saying much in the school cafeteria, while its friends go party…
A single molecule DNA dipole (The tinkerers of…
In the first post of this series, I told you about the amazing attempts to make nanomachines and 3D structures from DNA molecules, some coming in place in medicine, others - in electronics. Here's some…
Creating alien life (The tinkerers of DNA, part…
In the first post of this double we've already established that scientist sometimes manage to surprise even themselves with how far they can push the boundaries of science and technology. As if creating nano sized…
The smiling DNA (The tinkerers of DNA, part…
Whether we like it or not, and whether we understand it entirely or not, we've become incredibly good at tinkering with DNA - the very molecules that make us what we are. Ever since an…
Traveling back in time to discover the machines…
Psychology from the 1920s, 1960 statistics, today’s smartphones and tomorrow’s energy-efficient houses. As surprising as it might be, the common denominator of all these things is the Artificial Intelligence. Long before AI was an official…