XX in science

We have it wrong in STEM Yesterday was the international day of women in science. Truth be told, I only found out when I saw tweets with the hashtag flooding my feed. Part of me…

My list of science wishes for 2017

I'm known to be very bad at fortune-telling, so I'd rather share few things I hope to see happening in 2017. There are plenty of things to dream of for the (hopefully not so far)…

Not a hiatus, just "The Thesis" and a…

It was not all part of the plan I've been absent from around here for a while. It wasn't a planned hiatus from my favorite thing, from writing in my favorite blog... But doing so…

Bloody diets and academic hogwash

Anecdotes are a powerful tool in forming our opinions Science is often enough suffering by public misunderstanding, misconceptions and fear, and even scientists attacking each other. But while this is often uncalled for and predominantly…

Speak up, Nobel (A repost from my LinkedIn)

Mini-interview with Nobel4GMOs mastermind I love this mini-interview, but when I got to read the "I don’t know enough about agri-business to comment on the impact of this deal." I got extremely frustrated! Scientists and…

Nominated for Blogger Recognition Award!

This comes as a total surprise and one of the coolest things to happen to me in professional aspect in a long while - I got nominated for a Blogger Recognition Award by TheNexusScienceBlog! Thanks…

Traveling back in time to discover the machines…

Psychology from the 1920s, 1960 statistics, today’s smartphones and tomorrow’s energy-efficient houses. As surprising as it might be, the common denominator of all these things is the Artificial Intelligence. Long before AI was an official…