Title image by Gargi Chandola The argument against plastic bans Not long ago, someone I knew, tagged me on a Facebook post quoting an article on how, presumably, scientific research on plastic pollution has been cherry-picked…
The scientific discoveries of 2018 – Part 2,…
This is the second part of an article which was originally written by me in Bulgarian and published in the Bulgarian E-zine Dnevnik. The first part of the article - about space discoveries can be found…
Speak human to me, scientist!
Science language becomes increasingly confusing - what are the implications? science alone can be complex enough. so complex that only the few who work on it understand it. but an unfortunate trend makes scientific writing…
The surprised scientist or how no-one really knows…
Earlier this month, the European Court of Justice announced its ruling to regulate plants, created with gene-editing, with the same set of ultra-strict rules as it does the GMOs. To put it simply - no…
Building new smart cities or dressing up the…
Green innovation. Norway. It is not the only place where smart zero, emission innovation happens, but it is definitely one of the driving forces behind it. With a new institute to research and create the…
Science-based policy – not as straightforward as you…
Many of us scientists are convinced that scientific results are omnipotent and should have the highest priority when decision-making is taking place, especially for drafting new or revising existing policies. But in fact, this might…
Herbal supplements cross-reactivity and the pitfalls of self-medication
Herbal supplements - the pitfalls of self-medication Herbal extracts have been used for millennia in the treatment of diseases, wounds, for improving of the general health of people and even sometimes for supernatural rituals. In…
Here’s to science – The Pint of Science…
21! This might be the age at which in some countries you become of legal age for drinking.More importantly though, 21 is the number of countries which will host a Pint of Science Festival chapter this…
After the apocalypse – Can we survive the…
News reports from the past years keep warnign us about the rise of the antibiotic resistant bugs and the potential for a human apocalypse they bring on their microscopic methaphorical shoulders. Their artillery is not…