Skinner and his superstitions

Do you cross you fingers and knock on wood? Or may be turn the other way when a black cat crosses your path? Being superstitious has little to do with being religious, and for some…

XX in science

We have it wrong in STEM Yesterday was the international day of women in science. Truth be told, I only found out when I saw tweets with the hashtag flooding my feed. Part of me…

"Science Café"

I am co-hosting a live stream science news show 3 times per week with the wonderful mastermind behind the Blue Streak Science podcast - JD Goodwin. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (unless my PhD interferes…

Bloody diets and academic hogwash

Anecdotes are a powerful tool in forming our opinions Science is often enough suffering by public misunderstanding, misconceptions and fear, and even scientists attacking each other. But while this is often uncalled for and predominantly…

The onset of reason, part 0.1

Getting the "quacks" in a row! I was wondering if it's worth it for me to jump in the messy fight with quackery and pseudoscience in my pristine-all-sciency blog (pat-pat). Then, I figured - I…

Genetic minimalists – the "one-gene" virus

More is not always better. Viruses know this best, as many of the species of viruses have evolved to have a genome reduced to beyond minimalistic. They have kept the ultimate minimum of protein-encoding genes,…

Protein structure for foodies

I haven't planned my blog to be educational per say, but the other day I stumbled on a thought that was equally ridiculous and fascinating. As I was aimlessly browsing Quora the other day I…